June 23, 2022 - Menominee County provides new option for proper disposal of worn U.S. flags
Menominee County provides new option for proper disposal of worn U.S. flags
New flag disposal box installed at the Menominee County Courthouse
WASHINGTON – In partnership with the National Association of Counties, the National Flag Foundation, Menominee County has installed a flag retirement box, at no cost to the county, at the Menominee County Courthouse in the security vestibule. Flags should be folded respectfully before being placed in the box during normal business hours.
The United States Flag Code prescribes flag etiquette — everything from flying it near other flags to instructions on how to raise and lower it. "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning," says the code.
The Menominee County Veteran Services Office will be responsible for the proper disposal of the worn flags.
"This centrally-located drop-off provides convenience while respecting our national symbol," said Jason Carviou, Menominee County Administrator. "The county is unified in helping enable our citizens to respect our great nation while disposing of old or worn out flags."
Said NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase, "We are pleased to provide these flag retirement boxes. Helping residents properly dispose of worn U.S. flags is consistent with our commitment to public service and community engagement." |