Dog Licenses
1. How do I license my dog(s)?
Dog licenses can be purchased from the animal control officer.
The cost is ten dollars ($10.00) per dog, annually.
There is a delinquent fee of ten dollars ($10.00) if the dog(s) are licensed on or after March 1, bringing the total to twenty dollars ($20.00).
A certificate of vaccination signed by a veterinarian must be shown in order to purchase a license.
2. How do I obtain a kennel license?
An inspection of the kennel must be scheduled with the animal control officer.
A certificate of vaccination signed by a veterinarian must be shown for each dog at the time of the inspection.
A kennel license is only available for dogs used for the purpose of breeding, show or sporting.
Fee: Up to ten dogs is ten dollars ($10.00)
Over ten dogs is twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
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