Soil Erosion Permits
1. Do I need a Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit?
Soil Erosion permits are required for all projects involving earth moving activities that occur within 500 feet of surface water (as defined) and disturb more than 225 square feet or disturb one or more acres. Soil Erosion exemptions are allowed for those projects that:
Disturb less than 225 square feet and are stablilized within 24 hours.
Include only post holes for decks
Include only borings and percolation tests when stabilized within 24 hours of the initial earth change and disturb less than 225 square feet
Include only shrub and tree removal when no vegetation is disturbed
Include only the plowing and tilling of fields for crop production
2. How big is an acre?
One acre is 43,560 square feet, or 208' x 208' if square. Determine from your plans the areas where earthwork will occur and measure the areas length and width. Remember to include area for utilities, well, septic, fill brought in, lot grading, building structures and driveways.
3. How do I complete the timing sequence?
The timing sequence gives us a general idea of when your project will begin and when it will be finished, and also lays out a sequence of steps to follow for erosion control. Temporary measures, such as silt fence, check dams, or vegetative buffers should be installed at the beginning of the project. The stone aggregate drive should also be in at the start of construction. Permanent measures, such as grass, shrubs, pavement or other vegetation should be installed as soon as possible after final grade. Removal of temporary measures should be done after the site is completely stabilized. For major projects please note in determining a timing sequence, detention/retention/sediment pond installation should occur at the beginning of a project and that catch basin covers should be cleaned at least once a month until permanent measures are functioning.
4. There's no water on my site, why do I need a permit?
Proximity to drainage ditches, drainage swales, catch basins, detention or retention basins, wetlands, and designated drains must be taken into account. These may appear dry for much of the year, but all serve a vital role in the conveyance of surface water, and can carry sediment into larger bodies of water.
5. What are impervious surfaces?
Impervious surfaces are areas that do not absorb rainfall, these are covered by pavement or structures. Previous surfaces are areas that do absorb rainfall such as vegetated ground.
6. Who is the party responsible for ongoing maintenance of permanent erosion control measures?
Examples of permanent erosion control measures are vegetation and storm water detention/retention areas. The responsible party is the property owner and/or homeowners association for commonly held properties.
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