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Departments » Friend of the Court » Child Support
General Information

Child Support:
A support order is any order entered by the circuit court which requires the payment of support. A support may include:

* Child support

* Spousal support

* Payment of medical, dental and other health care

* Payment of child care expenses

* Payment of educational expenses

The Friend of the Court may request you to sign a document for Federal reporting purposes, which is an application of the Friend of the Court services.

Support Investigations and Reports:
The Friend of the Court may be required to periodically review child support, including health care provisions and petition the court for a change in the order if a change is warranted.
Otherwise, when directed by the judge, the Friend of the Court will conduct a financial investigation and make a written report and recommendation to the parties (or his/her attorneys) and the judge regarding child support. Friend of the Court reports cannot be used as evidence in court without the agreement of both parties. The Friend of the Court investigator may be called as a witness to testify about their report.

Support Enforcement:
The Friend of the Court has many options available to collect support. They include:

Immediate Income Withholding: Income withholding directs the payer's employer or other source of income to withhold support and send it to the Friend of the Court.

Contempt of Court (Show Cause) Hearing: If support is not paid on time, the Friend of the Court or a party may begin a contempt action (known as a "show cause" hearing), by filing papers requiring the payer to appear in court.

Income Tax Intercept: If support is overdue, the Friend of the Court must request an income tax intercept for cases that qualify under the Federal IV-D program.

In such cases, a tax refund due the payer of support is sent to the Friend of the Court and applied to past due support for minor children. If there is any chld support due a state, the income tax intercept must first be applied to this unpaid amount.

License Suspension: For payers with an arrearage of three or more months of support, the Friend of the Court may initiate action to have occupational or drivers licenses suspended. A payer can avoid a license suspension by showing that there is a mistake regarding the amount of the arrearage or entering into an agreement accepted for the payment of the arrearage.

Consumer Reporting: The Friend of the Court must report to a consumer reporting agency the arrearage amount for each payer with two or more months of support arrearage. Lenders will often obtain a credit report from a consumer reporting agency when deciding whether to extend credit. If the credit report shows a history of untimely support payments or a large arrearage, the report may result in a denial of a loan or other credit. The Friend of the Court may also make support information available to a consumer reporting agency if requested by the support payer.

Liens: A claim against real or personal property.

Cash Bonds: A payment of a specific amount of money to guarantee future support payments will be made. In some cases, the Friend of the Court may be able to obtain a lien or cash bond on a payer's real or personal property.

Contact:  Robyn Bourgeois - Friend of the Court
Phone: (906)863-8981
Fax: (906)863-2649
Click here to email
Address:  839 10th Avenue
Menominee MI 49858
Office Hours:  7:30 a.m. CST - 4:30 p.m. CST

Caseworkers available after 4:00 p.m. CST by appointment only.

Clients are encouraged to make payments online at www.misdu.com, by mail to MISDU, P.O. Box 30351, Lansing, MI 48909 or at www.govpaynow.com using pay location 9154.

Cash payments and correspondence/forms can be enclosed in an envelope and placed in a secure box in the Courthouse vestibule.
Child Support
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