Several Menominee County residents have recently received letters from their lending institutions stating that due to FEMA floodplain map updates, they are now required to purchase flood insurance.
If you believe that your property(ies) should not be subject to this requirement, please visit FEMA's Online Letter of Map Change (LOMC) website to request a change in flood zone designation.
Completing this process online allows immediate generation of a case number, real-time updates on the application status and generally a much quicker, more efficient method to submit your application. Please read the instructions carefully to ensure correct processing of your application and to find out what documentation you will need to provide.
Questions regarding general floodplain issues or information should be directed to Daniel Menacher of the Menominee County Building Code Department, who also serves as the county's Floodplain Administrator.
Other links that may be of interest:
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
FEMA Map Service Center
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Floodplain Management
DEQ Locations
Flooding Preparedness |
Sub-Departments |