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Departments » Menominee County 911 » Download the Smart911 APP Today!
General Information


Smart911 Frequently Asked Questions

How does Smart911 work?
Smart911 allows citizens to provide the additional details that 9-1-1 call takers may need in order to assist them during an emergency. When you dial 9-1-1 today the information received by the 9-1-1 call center can be limited based on the type of phone you are calling on. With Smart911, anytime you make an emergency call from a phone registered with your Safety Profile, the 9-1-1 systems recognizes your phone number and automatically displays your profile on the screen of the call taker who receives your call.

What is a Safety Profile?
A Safety Profile is a set of information about an individual, or a household that is contained within one account on Smart911.com. Information can include details about all members of the household, all phone numbers (mobile, landline or VOIP) and all addresses including home, work and even vacation homes. Users can also add details about medical conditions, medications, vehicles, pets and even emergency contacts.

What kind of information can I list in my safety profile?
You can include as little or as much information in your profile as you like. Information may include address, medical and security information. This service is voluntary, so you decide what information you want emergency responders to know about you when you call 9-1-1.

Who should create a Safety Profile?
Anyone can create a safety profile. Those that are especially encouraged to sign up are people with medical or disability information. Wireless phone users are also encouraged, as wireless phone calls to 9-1-1 only provide a general location of the caller, not an exact address. Adding your home, school and work addresses (including apartment and room numbers) can help responders locate you more easily.

How long does it take to create a Safety Profile?
Setting up a profile can take as little as 5-10 minutes, depending on how much information you wish to provide. You can always go back and update existing, or add additional information to your profile.

How do I know if my Safety Profile was successfully created?
When you complete registration, Smart911 will automatically direct you to your Smart911 Safety Profile and will send a message to your registered email address confirming your account. Smart911 will not deliver your Safety Profile to 9-1-1 answering centers unless you have verified the phone(s) listed in your profile by responding to the text message or automated call placed to that phone.

Account is created after first page of registration
To confirm your account and insure info is available to 911 profile must be associated with a phone number

Is there a cost to sign up for Smart911?
There is no fee to create or maintain a Safety Profile with Smart911.

Can I include my family members?
You are encouraged to create a Safety Profile that includes everyone in your household. You can also create Safety Profile on behalf of elderly parents, those with disabilities, or anyone not comfortable with computers, designating yourself as the emergency contact.

What if English is not my primary language?
You can create a Safety Profile in multiple languages and specify your primary language. When your profile displays at the 9-1-1 center, it will be translated back into English. If an interpreter is required, the 9-1-1 Call Taker will be able to see which language you designated as your primary language.

Once I have signed up do I need to do anything else?
The more up-to-date your information is, the better. Smart911 prompts users to verify their information every six months. However, you should update your profile anytime there is any change to your information.

Is my information secure?
Yes. Your privacy is important to us. Your information is made available ONLY to 9-1-1 call takers and responders ONLY in the event you call 9-1-1. Your information is stored in geo-redundant databases that restrict access to everyone- including Rave Mobile Safety employees. Your Safety Profile is non-searchable and your information will only be displayed to 9-1-1 dispatchers for a limited amount of time. In some areas, you can choose to allow Smart911 to share your profile with Emergency Managers as they prepare for and respond to emergencies. If you reside or work in one of these areas, you will be presented with this option.

Will my Safety Profile still work if something happens to the Rave Mobile Safety databases?
Yes. Your information is stored in geo-redundant databases that are located on opposite sides of the country. In the unlikely event of a database shutdown, the system will automatically transition all of your information to the backup database, resulting in zero impact to your Safety Profile.

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- Do You Know Your Non-Emergency Number?
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- Hearing Impaired Services
- History of 9-1-1
- How it works - what happens when you dial 911:
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