Bailey Park is located approx. 15 miles north of Menominee on M-35. The West Shore Fishing Museum is located within the park's boundaries and was once the site of the Charles L. Bailey commercial fishery.
The park is adjacent to the Bailey Property, once the home of a commercial fishing family. Twenty years ago only the house, chicken coop and carriage shed remained, all in poor repair.
Creation of the West Shore Fishing Museum began in 1997 by the Bailey Property Preservation Assoication. The all-volunteer Association works under the direction of Menominee County which owns the property and buildings. During the past ten years, hard work has transformed the property into a showcase museum. Restoration of the buidings and commercial fishing exhibits are 99 percent complete. Restoration of the fleet of commercial fishing boats is the Association's next project.
(view pictures of the museum property)
On weekends during the summer the West Shore Fishing Museum is open to the public.
Open Hours are 1 - 4 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday afternoons
Memorial Day through Labor Day
To visit the Museum, use the Bailey Park entrance on Highway M-35.
Bailey Park/Fishing Museum |
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