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Committees » County Fair Board   « Back
The Menominee County Fair Board is in place to oversee the operations of the Fair. The Board Members attend a monthly meeting, possibly twice a month when the Fair gets close.

The Board assists in Fair preparations and out at the Fairgrounds (Shakey Lakes Park) during Fair weekend, which is normally the third (3rd) weekend in July.

The Fair Board consists of 11 Menominee County residents and a County Commissioner. Eleven residents are appointed by the Menominee County Board for a 3-year term. The last member is the Fair Manager, hired by the Fair Board.

The current members are:

Debbie Smith - Fair Manager
Chad Oczus, President
David Pomeroy, Vice President
Faye Phelps - Treasurer
Amanda Sandahl - Secretary
Todd Rye
Ray Schebel
Jeff Linsmeier
Dillon Sandahl
Nita Curtis
Jim Moker
Jesse Betters

The 2025 Menominee County Fair is: July 17-20, 2025

Fair Manager, 906-352-4113

The Menominee County Fair Board meets every month on the 2nd Monday at 6:00 PM at the Annex in Stephenson (unless otherwise posted). Public is always welcome to attend.

2024 Fair Board Meeting Dates

Fair Board Bylaws - approved 4.23.24

2024 Menominee County Fair Book

County Board Members:
Connie Westrich

- Feb. 10, 2025: Draft
- Jan. 13, 2025: Regular meeting

- Dec. 9, 2024: Regular meeting
- Nov. 11, 2024: Regular meeting
- Oct. 14, 2024: Regular meeting
- Sept. 9, 2024: Regular meeting
- July 22, 2024: Regular meeting
- July 15, 2024: Regular meeting
- June 3, 2024: Regular meeting
- May 6, 2024: Regular meeting
- Apr. 1, 2024: Regular meeting
- Mar. 12, 2024: Regular meeting
- Mar. 4, 2024: Regular meeting
- Feb. 5, 2024: Regular meeting
- Jan. 3, 2024: Regular meeting

- Dec. 4, 2023: Regular meeting
- Nov. 6, 2023: Meeting cancelled - COVID outbreak
- Oct. 2, 2023: Regular meeting
- Sept. 11, 2023: Regular meeting
- July 10, 2023: Regular meeting
- June 5, 2023: Regular meeting
- May 1, 2023: Regular meeting
- Apr. 17, 2023: Special Called meeting
- Apr. 3, 2023: Regular meeting
- Mar. 6, 2023: Regular meeting
- Mar. 6, 2023: Special Called meeting
- Feb. 13, 2023: Regular meeting
- Feb. 6, 2023: Regular meeting
- Jan. 2, 2023: Regular meeting

- Dec. 5, 2022: Regular meeting
- Nov. 7, 2022: Regular meeting
- Oct. 3, 2022: Regular meeting
- Sept. 7, 2022: Regular meeting
- Aug. 8, 2022: Regular meeting
- July 18, 2022: Regular meeting
- July 11, 2022: Regular meeting
- June 6, 2022: Regular meeting
- May 2, 2022: Regular meeting
- Apr. 4, 2022: Regular meeting
- Mar. 7, 2022: Regular meeting
- Feb. 7, 2022: Regular meeting
- Jan. 10, 2022: Regular meeting

- Dec. 8, 2021: Regular meeting
- Nov. 17, 2021: Regular meeting
- Oct. 21, 2021: Regular meeting
- Sept. 16, 2021: Regular meeting - No Quorum
- Aug. 19, 2021: No Meeting
- July 26, 2021: Regular meeting
- May 20, 2021: Regular meeting
- Apr. 15, 2021: Regular meeting
- Mar. 18, 2021: Regular meeting
- Feb. 18, 2021: Regular meeting
- Jan. 20, 2021: Approved

- May 11, 2020: Approved
- Jan. 15, 2020

- Dec. 18, 2019: Approved
- Oct. 16, 2019: Regular meeting
- Sept. 18, 2019: Regular meeting
- July 25, 2019: Regular meeting
- July 17, 2019: Regular meeting
- June 19, 2019: Regular meeting
- May 19, 2019: Approved
- Apr. 17, 2019: Approved
- Mar. 20, 2019: Approved
- Jan. 16, 2019: Approved

- Dec. 19, 2018: Approved
- Nov. 21, 2018: Approved
- Sept. 19, 2018: Approved
- Aug. 15, 2018: Approved
- June 20, 2018: Approved
- May 16, 2018: Approved
- Apr. 18, 2018: Approved
- Mar. 21, 2018: Approved
- Feb. 21, 2018: Approved
- Jan. 24, 2018: Approved

- Nov. 7, 2017: Approved
- Oct. 18, 2017: Approved
- Sept. 20, 2017: Approved
- Aug. 23, 2017: Approved
- July 12, 2017: Approved
- June 21, 2017: Approved
- May 17, 2017: Approved
- Apr. 19, 2017: Approved
- Mar. 15, 2017: Approved
- Feb. 15, 2017: Approved

- Oct. 19, 2016: Approved 2.15.17
- July 13, 2016
- June 15, 2016
- May 18, 2016
- Apr. 20, 2016
- Mar. 16, 2016
- Feb. 17, 2016

- Nov. 11, 2015
- Sept. 15, 2015
- July 15, 2015
- June 17, 2015
- May 20, 2015
- Apr. 15, 2015
- Mar. 18, 2015
- Feb. 18, 2015
- Jan. 21, 2015

- Dec. 17, 2014
- Nov. 19, 2014
- Oct. 15, 2014
- Sept. 17, 2014
- Aug. 21, 2014
- July 1, 2014
- June 18, 2014
- June 4, 2014
- Feb. 13, 2014: Fair Update

- June 12, 2013
- May 30, 2013
- Apr. 18, 2013
- Mar. 25, 2013
- Feb. 6, 2013
- Jan. 7, 2013

- July 6, 2011
- Apr. 11, 2011
- Jan. 13, 2011

- Apr. 12, 2010
- Mar. 8, 2010

- Dec. 9, 2009: Meeting Cancelled due to inclement weather
- Nov. 1, 2009: No Meeting
- Oct. 1, 2009: No Meeting
- Sept. 24, 2009
- Aug. 3, 2009: Thank you dinner for all volunteers - no meeting
- July 1, 2009: No meeting
- June 29, 2009
- June 2, 2009
- May 13, 2009: Draft
- Apr. 1, 2009

- Dec. 10, 2008
- Oct. 20, 2008
- Sept. 22, 2008
- Aug. 25, 2008
- July 7, 2008
- June 16, 2008
- May 19, 2008
- Apr. 14, 2008
- Mar. 10, 2008
- Feb. 11, 2008

- Oct. 23, 2007
- Sept. 11, 2007
- June 19, 2007
- May 15, 2007
- Apr. 24, 2007
- Mar. 27, 2007
- Feb. 6, 2007

- Nov. 8, 2006
- Oct. 16, 2006
- Sept. 25, 2006

- Dec. 8, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 10, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 13, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 8, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- Aug. 11, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- July 21, 2025: At Shakey Lakes Park
- July 14, 2025: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 9, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- May 12, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- Apr. 14, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- Mar. 10, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 10, 2025: Stephenson Annex
- Jan. 13, 2025: Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 9, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 11, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 14, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 9, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- Aug. 5, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- July 22, 2024: At Shakey Lakes Park
- July 15, 2024: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 10, 2024: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 3, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- May 6, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- Apr. 1, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- Mar. 12, 2024: Special Meeting
- Mar. 4, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 5, 2024: Stephenson Annex
- Jan. 3, 2024: Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 4, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 6, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 2, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 11, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- Aug. 7, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- July 17, 2023: At Shakey Lakes Park
- July 10, 2023: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 5, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- May 1, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- Apr. 17, 2023: Special Meeting
- Apr. 3, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- Mar. 6, 2023: Special Meeting
- Mar. 6, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 13, 2023: Special Meeting
- Feb. 6, 2023: Stephenson Annex
- Jan. 2, 2023: Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 5, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 7, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 3, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 12, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- Aug. 8, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- July 11, 2022: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 6, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- May 2, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- Apr. 4, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- Mar. 7, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 7, 2022: Stephenson Annex
- Jan. 10, 2022: Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 16, 2021: Stephenson Annex This meeting was changed to Dec. 6th.
- Nov. 17, 2021: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 21, 2021: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 16, 2021: Stephenson Annex-QUORUM NOT PRESENT
- Aug. 19, 2021: Stephenson Annex - CANCELLED
- July 26, 2021: Stephenson Annex
- July 15, 2021: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 17, 2021: Stephenson Annex
- May 20, 2021: Stephenson Annex
- Apr. 15, 2021: Stephenson Annex
- Mar. 18, 2021: Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 18, 2021: Stephenson Annex
- Jan. 20, 2021: Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 16, 2020: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Nov. 18, 2020: Meeting Cancelled
- Oct. 21, 2020: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Sept. 16, 2020: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 17, 2020: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- May 11, 2020: Virtual Meeting
- Mar. 19, 2020: Meeting Cancelled!
- Feb. 19, 2020: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Jan. 15, 2020: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson

- Dec. 18, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Nov. 20, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Oct. 16, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Sept. 18, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Aug. 21, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- July 17, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 19, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- May 15, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Apr. 17, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Mar. 20, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Feb. 20, 2019: CANCELLED!!! Rescheduled for Feb. 25th
- Jan. 16, 2019: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson

- Dec. 19, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Nov. 21, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Oct. 17, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Sept. 19, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Aug. 15, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- July 25, 2018: At Shakey Lakes Park
- July 18, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 20, 2018: At Shakey Lakes Park - Fair bldg.
- May 16, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Apr. 18, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Mar. 21, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Feb. 21, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Jan. 24, 2018: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson

- Nov. 7, 2017: Additional Called meeting
- Oct. 18, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Sept. 20, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Aug. 23, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- July 12, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 21, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- May 17, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Apr. 19, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Mar. 15, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Feb. 15, 2017: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson

- Dec. 14, 2016: Meeting Cancelled
- Oct. 19, 2016: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Sept. 21, 2016: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- July 13, 2016: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 15, 2016: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- May 18, 2016: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Apr. 20, 2016: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson

- Nov. 18, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Sept. 16, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- July 15, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 17, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- May 20, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Apr. 15, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Mar. 18, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Feb. 18, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Jan. 21, 2015: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson

- Dec. 17, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Nov. 19, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Oct. 15, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Sept. 17, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Aug. 21, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Aug. 10, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- July 9, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- July 1, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 18, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- June 4, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Feb. 12, 2014: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson

- July 8, 2013: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 12, 2013: At Shakey Lakes Park
- May 30, 2013: Rescheduled from May 21, 2013
- Apr. 18, 2013: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Mar. 25, 2013: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson
- Feb. 6, 2013
- Jan. 7, 2013: At the MSU extension office, Stephenson

- Apr. 3, 2012
- Feb. 13, 2012
- Jan. 31, 2012

- Dec. 19, 2011
- Aug. 3, 2011
- July 6, 2011: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 20, 2011: Meeting will be held at Fairgrounds
- May 16, 2011
- Apr. 11, 2011
- Apr. 11, 2011: Meeting Notices for April May and June 2011
- Feb. 7, 2011
- Jan. 13, 2011: Park/Fair Board Combined Meeting

- Nov. 1, 2010
- Sept. 20, 2010: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 14, 2010: Meeting will be held at Shakey Lakes Park
- May 3, 2010
- Apr. 12, 2010
- Mar. 8, 2010
- Feb. 10, 2010
- Jan. 13, 2010: Rescheduled from 12/9/09

- Dec. 9, 2009: Cancelled due to inclement weather.
- Nov. 1, 2009: No meeting
- Oct. 1, 2009: No meeting
- Sept. 24, 2009
- Aug. 3, 2009: Thank you dinner for all fair volunteers - no meeting
- July 1, 2009: No meeting
- June 29, 2009
- June 2, 2009: Meeting will be held at Shakey Lakes Park
- May 13, 2009
- Apr. 1, 2009

- Dec. 10, 2008
- Oct. 20, 2008
- Sept. 22, 2008
- Aug. 25, 2008
- July 7, 2008
- June 16, 2008
- May 19, 2008
- Apr. 14, 2008
- Mar. 10, 2008
- Feb. 11, 2008

- Sept. 11, 2007
- July 2, 2007
- June 19, 2007
- May 15, 2007
- Apr. 24, 2007
- Mar. 27, 2007
- Feb. 6, 2007

- Nov. 8, 2006
- Oct. 16, 2006
- Sept. 25, 2006
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