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Committees » Park and Recreation Committee   « Back
The Menominee County Parks & Recreation Committee is an advisory committee who purpose is to provide advice, direction, and recommendations to the Parks Superintendent, County Administrator and Menominee County Board of Commissioners. The Committee has no final authority or responsibility for policy making or administration.

Responsibilities of this Committee are as follows:

1. Recommend objectives and goals of the Parks and Recreation System.
2. Recommend rules and policies governing the Parks and Recreation System.
3. Recommend annual and long-term financial plans.
4. Recommend establishing and maintaining an effective public relation program.
5. Recommend short-term and long-term planning necessary to develop a broad variety of programs, facilities, and services to meet community needs.
6. Maintain close coordination with other community agencies involved in parks and recreation and the Board of Commissioners.
7. Encourage broad citizen involvement in the park system.
8. Recommend annually a park fee schedule.
9. Act as mediator between citizens and management disputes.
10. Receive public input on the parks and recreation system.
11. Annually recommend revision to the Menominee County Parks and Recreation Plan.
12. Annually recommend capital improvement plan.
13. Review statistics.
14. Annually tour parks as a Committee to determine goal objectives and to evaluate physical condition of park property.

The Menominee County Parks & Recreation Committee shall follow the rules and policies as set forth by the Menominee County Board of Commissioners.

The Committee meets the first Tuesday of the month at various areas throughout the County. For a meeting schedule, see the link below.

Current Public At-Large Representatives
Kathleen Branz
Chuck Bayerl
Chris Peterson
Adam Filibeck
RJ Betzinger
Larry Phelps
Nick Hanchek

Menominee County 5 year Recreation Plan ~ Adopted 5.25.2011

Menominee County 5 year Recreation Plan ~ Adopted 4.26.2016

Menominee County Parks and Recreation Committee Bylaws ~ Adopted 5.10.16

2024 Parks Committee Meeting Schedule - Amended

County Board Members:
Larry Phelps

- Dec. 2, 2024: Regular Meeting
- Nov. 4, 2024: Regular Meeting
- Oct. 7, 2024: Regular Meeting
- Sept. 4, 2024: Regular Meeting
- Aug. 5, 2024: Regular Meeting
- July 1, 2024: Regular Meeting
- June 10, 2024: Regular Meeting
- May 6, 2024: Regular Meeting
- Apr. 8, 2024: Regular Meeting
- Mar. 5, 2024: Regular Meeting
- Feb. 5, 2024: Regular Meeting
- Jan. 7, 2024: Regular Meeting

- Dec. 4, 2023: Regular Meeting
- Nov. 9, 2023: Regular Meeting
- Oct. 2, 2023: Regular Meeting
- Sept. 14, 2023: Regular Meeting
- Aug. 7, 2023: Regular Meeting
- July 6, 2023: Regular Meeting
- June 5, 2023: Regular Meeting
- May 1, 2023: Regular Meeting
- Apr. 3, 2023: Regular Meeting
- Mar. 6, 2023: Regular Meeting
- Feb. 6, 2023: Regular Meeting
- Jan. 5, 2023: Regular Meeting

- Dec. 5, 2022: Regular Meeting
- Nov. 10, 2022: Regular Meeting
- Oct. 3, 2022: Lake Twp Hall-draft
- Sept. 8, 2022: Regular Meeting
- Aug. 1, 2022: Regular Meeting
- July 7, 2022: Regular Meeting
- June 6, 2022: Regular Meeting
- May 2, 2022: Regular Meeting
- Apr. 4, 2022: Regular Meeting
- Mar. 7, 2022: Regular Meeting
- Feb. 7, 2022: Regular Meeting
- Jan. 6, 2022: Regular Meeting

- Dec. 9, 2021: Regular Meeting
- Nov. 1, 2021: Regular Meeting
- Oct. 4, 2021: Regular Meeting
- Sept. 7, 2021: Regular Meeting
- Aug. 2, 2021: Regular Meeting
- July 6, 2021: Lake Twp Hall
- June 7, 2021: At River Park
- May 3, 2021: At Bailey Park
- Apr. 5, 2021: corrected minutes
- Jan. 4, 2021: Regular Meeting

- Dec. 7, 2020: Regular Meeting
- Oct. 5, 2020: Regular Meeting
- Sept. 14, 2020: Regular Meeting
- Aug. 3, 2020: Regular Meeting
- July 6, 2020: Regular Meeting
- June 1, 2020: Regular Meeting
- Mar. 2, 2020: approved 6.1.20
- Feb. 3, 2020: Regular Meeting
- Jan. 6, 2020: Regular Meeting

- Nov. 4, 2019: Regular Meeting
- Oct. 7, 2019: Regular Meeting
- Sept. 4, 2019: Regular Meeting
- Aug. 15, 2019: At Mason Park
- July 1, 2019: At River Park-DRAFT
- June 3, 2019: draft
- May 6, 2019: Regular Meeting
- Apr. 1, 2019
- Mar. 4, 2019: Regular Meeting
- Jan. 7, 2019

- Dec. 3, 2018
- Sept. 4, 2018: Regular Meeting
- Aug. 6, 2018
- June 4, 2018
- May 7, 2018
- Apr. 2, 2018
- Mar. 5, 2018: Regular Meeting Approved 4/2/18
- Feb. 5, 2018: Approved 3/5/18

- Dec. 4, 2017
- Nov. 6, 2017
- Sept. 5, 2017: At Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 7, 2017: At River Park
- June 5, 2017
- May 1, 2017
- Mar. 6, 2017
- Feb. 6, 2017

- Dec. 5, 2016
- Nov. 10, 2016: Special meeting
- Sept. 13, 2016: corrected and approved
- Aug. 1, 2016: corrected and approved
- June 6, 2016
- May 2, 2016
- Apr. 12, 2016
- Mar. 7, 2016
- Feb. 1, 2016

- Dec. 7, 2015
- Nov. 2, 2015
- Sept. 8, 2015: At Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 3, 2015
- July 6, 2015
- May 4, 2015
- Mar. 2, 2015
- Jan. 12, 2015

- Dec. 1, 2014
- Oct. 6, 2014
- July 7, 2014
- June 2, 2014
- May 5, 2014
- Apr. 7, 2014
- Mar. 3, 2014
- Feb. 3, 2014

- Nov. 4, 2013
- June 3, 2013
- May 6, 2013
- Apr. 1, 2013
- Mar. 4, 2013
- Feb. 4, 2013
- Jan. 7, 2013

- Dec. 17, 2012: Special meeting at Shakey Lakes
- Dec. 3, 2012
- Nov. 19, 2012: Special meeting
- Nov. 5, 2012
- Oct. 1, 2012
- Sept. 10, 2012
- Aug. 6, 2012
- Aug. 1, 2012: Special meeting
- July 2, 2012
- June 4, 2012
- May 7, 2012
- Apr. 2, 2012: draft
- Mar. 5, 2012
- Feb. 6, 2012
- Jan. 31, 2012

- Dec. 6, 2011
- Nov. 1, 2011
- Oct. 4, 2011
- Sept. 6, 2011
- Aug. 2, 2011
- July 5, 2011
- June 7, 2011
- May 3, 2011
- Apr. 5, 2011
- Mar. 1, 2011
- Feb. 1, 2011
- Jan. 13, 2011

- Dec. 8, 2010
- Nov. 10, 2010
- Oct. 13, 2010
- Sept. 8, 2010
- Aug. 11, 2010
- July 14, 2010
- June 9, 2010
- May 12, 2010
- Apr. 14, 2010
- Mar. 10, 2010
- Feb. 10, 2010
- Jan. 13, 2010

- Nov. 11, 2009
- Oct. 14, 2009
- Sept. 9, 2009
- Aug. 12, 2009
- July 8, 2009
- May 13, 2009
- Apr. 8, 2009
- Mar. 11, 2009
- Feb. 11, 2009
- Jan. 14, 2009

- Dec. 10, 2008
- Sept. 10, 2008
- July 9, 2008
- June 11, 2008
- May 14, 2008
- Apr. 9, 2008
- Mar. 12, 2008

- Sept. 12, 2007
- Aug. 8, 2007
- July 11, 2007: meeting cancelled
- June 13, 2007
- Apr. 11, 2007
- Mar. 14, 2007
- Feb. 7, 2007
- Jan. 10, 2007

- Dec. 1, 2025: County Annex Bldg.
- Nov. 3, 2025: County Annex Bldg.
- Oct. 6, 2025: County Annex Bldg.
- Sept. 8, 2025: Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 4, 2025: Mason Park
- July 7, 2025: Kleinke Park
- June 2, 2025: River Park
- May 5, 2025: West Shore Fishing Museum @ Bailey Park
- Apr. 7, 2025: County Annex Bldg.
- Mar. 3, 2025: County Annex Bldg.
- Feb. 3, 2025: Menominee County Annex - Stephenson, MI

- Dec. 2, 2024: Menominee County Annex
- Nov. 4, 2024: Menominee County Annex
- Oct. 7, 2024: Lake Township Hall
- Sept. 4, 2024: Kleinke Park
- Aug. 5, 2024: Shakey Lakes Park
- July 1, 2024: Mason Park
- June 10, 2024: River Park
- June 3, 2024: CANCELLED
- May 6, 2024: Bailey Park
- Apr. 8, 2024: Lake Township Hall
- Mar. 5, 2024: Lake Township Hall
- Feb. 5, 2024: Lake Township Hall
- Jan. 4, 2024: Lake Township hall

- Dec. 4, 2023: Lake Township Hall
- Nov. 9, 2023: Lake Township Hall - rescheduled due to election
- Oct. 2, 2023: Lake Township Hall
- Sept. 14, 2023: At Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 7, 2023: Kleinke Park
- July 6, 2023: MASON PARK
- June 5, 2023: Lake Township Hall
- May 1, 2023: Bailey Park
- Apr. 3, 2023: Lake Township Hall
- Mar. 6, 2023: Lake Township Hall
- Feb. 6, 2023: Lake Township Hall
- Jan. 5, 2023: Lake Township Hall

- Dec. 7, 2022: Lake Township Hall-rescheduled from Dec. 5th
- Nov. 10, 2022: Lake Township Hall
- Oct. 3, 2022: Lake Township Hall
- Sept. 8, 2022: Kleinke Park
- Aug. 1, 2022: Mason Park
- July 7, 2022: River Park
- June 6, 2022: Shakey Lakes Park
- May 2, 2022: Bailey Park
- Apr. 4, 2022: Lake Township Hall
- Mar. 7, 2022: Lake Township Hall
- Feb. 7, 2022: Lake Township Hall
- Jan. 6, 2022: Lake Township Hall

- Dec. 9, 2021: Lake Township Hall/Rescheduled to Dec. 9th!
- Nov. 1, 2021: At the Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 4, 2021: Shakey Lakes Park
- Sept. 7, 2021: Mason Park
- Aug. 2, 2021: Mason Park
- July 6, 2021: Lake Township Hall
- June 7, 2021: River Park
- May 3, 2021: Bailey Park
- Apr. 5, 2021: At the Stephenson Annex
- Mar. 1, 2021: At the Stephenson Annex
- Jan. 4, 2021: At the Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 7, 2020: At the Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 2, 2020: Lake Township Hall
- Oct. 5, 2020: Lake Township Hall
- Sept. 14, 2020: Bailey Fishing Museum
- Aug. 3, 2020: At the Stephenson Annex
- July 6, 2020: Stephenson Annex
- June 1, 2020: Menominee County Courthouse - Courtroom B
- Apr. 6, 2020: Lake Township Hall - CANCELLED
- Mar. 2, 2020: Lake Township Hall
- Feb. 3, 2020: Lake Township Hall
- Jan. 6, 2020: Lake Township Hall

- Dec. 2, 2019: Lake Township Hall: CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER
- Nov. 4, 2019: Lake Township Hall
- Oct. 7, 2019: Lake Township Hall
- Sept. 4, 2019: Meeting held at Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 15, 2019: Mason Park
- Aug. 7, 2019: Mason Park - CANCELLED
- Aug. 5, 2019: Mason Park - CANCELLED
- July 1, 2019: River Park
- June 3, 2019: Kleinke Park
- May 6, 2019: Bailey Park Fishing Museum
- Apr. 1, 2019: Lake Township Hall
- Mar. 4, 2019: Lake Township Hall
- Feb. 8, 2019: Public Notice - Shakey Lakes Park
- Feb. 4, 2019: Lake Township Hall - CANCELLED
- Jan. 7, 2019: Lake Township Hall

- Dec. 3, 2018: Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 5, 2018: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 1, 2018: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 4, 2018: Shakey Lake Park (Changed date from Sept. 10, 2018)
- Aug. 6, 2018: River Park
- June 4, 2018: Kleinke Park
- May 7, 2018: Bailey Park Fishing Museum
- Mar. 5, 2018: Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 5, 2018: At the Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 15, 2017: 2018 SCHEDULED MEETING DATES
- Dec. 4, 2017: At the Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 6, 2017: At the Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 6, 2017: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 2, 2017: At the Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 5, 2017: At Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 7, 2017: Meeting held at River Park
- June 5, 2017: Meeting At Kleinke Park
- May 1, 2017: Bailey Fishing Museum
- Mar. 6, 2017: At the Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 6, 2017: County Annex Bldg.

- Dec. 5, 2016: AMENDED AGNEDA At the Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 10, 2016: Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 7, 2016: At the Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 13, 2016: Meeting held at River Park
- Aug. 1, 2016: At Shakey Lakes Park
- June 6, 2016
- May 2, 2016
- Apr. 12, 2016: Parks and Recreation Committee
- Apr. 12, 2016: Public Hearing - 5 year rec. plan
- Mar. 7, 2016: At the Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 1, 2016: County Annex Bldg.

- Dec. 7, 2015: County Annex Bldg.
- Nov. 2, 2015: At the Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 8, 2015: At Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 3, 2015: Meeting held at River Park
- July 6, 2015: Meeting At Kleinke Park
- June 1, 2015: Meeting at Bailey Park
- May 4, 2015: At the Stephenson Annex
- Mar. 2, 2015: At the Stephenson Annex
- Jan. 12, 2015: At the Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 1, 2014: At the Stephenson Annex
- Nov. 3, 2014: County Annex Bldg.
- Oct. 6, 2014: County Annex Bldg.
- Sept. 8, 2014: Meeting held at River Park - NO QUORUM
- July 7, 2014: Meeting At Kleinke Park
- June 2, 2014: West Shore Fishing Museum @ Bailey Park
- May 5, 2014: At Shakey Lakes Park
- Apr. 7, 2014: County Annex Bldg., Stephenson
- Mar. 3, 2014: County Annex Bldg.
- Feb. 3, 2014: Stephenson Annex

- Nov. 4, 2013: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 7, 2013: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 9, 2013: At Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 5, 2013: Meeting held at River Park
- July 8, 2013: Meeting At Kleinke Park
- June 3, 2013: Meeting at Bailey Park
- May 6, 2013: Stephenson Annex
- Apr. 1, 2013: Stephenson Annex
- Mar. 4, 2013: Public Input Session
- Mar. 4, 2013: Stephenson Annex
- Feb. 4, 2013: Stephenson Annex
- Jan. 7, 2013: Stephenson Annex

- Dec. 17, 2012: Special Meeting At Shakey Lakes Park
- Dec. 3, 2012: County Annex Bldg., Stephenson
- Nov. 19, 2012: County Annex Bldg.
- Nov. 5, 2012: County Annex Bldg., Stephenson
- Oct. 1, 2012: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 10, 2012: Meeting held at Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 6, 2012: Meeting held at River Park
- Aug. 1, 2012: Special Meeting - Stephenson, Annex Bldg.
- July 2, 2012: Meeting At Kleinke Park
- June 4, 2012: Meeting held at West Shore Fishing Museum
- May 7, 2012: County Annex Bldg.
- Apr. 2, 2012
- Mar. 21, 2012: Public Input Session
- Mar. 5, 2012: County Annex Bldg.
- Feb. 6, 2012
- Jan. 31, 2012: County Annex Bldg.

- Dec. 6, 2011
- Nov. 1, 2011: At the Co. Library, Stephenson
- Oct. 4, 2011: At the Co. Library, Stephenson
- Sept. 6, 2011: At Shakey Lakes Park
- Aug. 2, 2011: at River Park
- July 5, 2011: To be held at Bailey Park
- June 7, 2011: Meeting At Kleinke Park
- May 3, 2011: Held at Stephenson High School
- Apr. 5, 2011
- Mar. 1, 2011
- Feb. 1, 2011
- Jan. 13, 2011: to be held with the Fair Board

- Dec. 8, 2010
- Nov. 10, 2010: Stephenson Annex
- Oct. 13, 2010: Public Input Session
- Oct. 13, 2010: Stephenson Annex
- Sept. 8, 2010
- Aug. 11, 2010
- July 14, 2010: Bailey Fishing Museum
- June 9, 2010
- May 12, 2010
- Apr. 14, 2010
- Mar. 10, 2010
- Feb. 10, 2010
- Jan. 13, 2010
- Jan. 13, 2010: Amended - Will be held at the Co. Library, Stephenson

- Dec. 9, 2009: MEETING CANCELED
- Nov. 11, 2009
- Oct. 14, 2009
- Sept. 9, 2009: Stephenson Annex
- Aug. 12, 2009: Meeting held at West Shore Fishing Museum
- July 8, 2009: Meeting At Kleinke Park
- June 10, 2009: Meeting at Kleinke Park - CANCELLED!
- May 13, 2009: Fair Board and Parks Committee/Joint meeting
- Apr. 8, 2009
- Mar. 11, 2009
- Feb. 11, 2009
- Jan. 14, 2009

- Dec. 10, 2008: Fair Board and Parks Committee/Joint meeting
- Nov. 12, 2008: No Meeting
- Oct. 8, 2008: No Meeting
- Sept. 10, 2008
- Aug. 13, 2008
- July 9, 2008
- June 11, 2008
- May 14, 2008
- Apr. 9, 2008
- Mar. 13, 2008
- Feb. 13, 2008: Meeting will not be held
- Jan. 16, 2008

- Dec. 12, 2007
- Nov. 14, 2007: No Meeting
- Oct. 10, 2007: No Meeting
- Sept. 12, 2007
- Aug. 8, 2007
- July 11, 2007: meeting canceled
- June 13, 2007
- May 9, 2007: No Meeting
- Apr. 11, 2007
- Mar. 14, 2007
- Feb. 7, 2007
- Jan. 10, 2007
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