The purpose of the Economic Development Committee is to provide oversight, guidance, and recommendations on economic development policy in Menominee County. This committee will receive quarterly reports from the Executive Director of the Menominee Business Development Corporation, research the viability of establishing a Menominee County Land Bank and Brownfield Authority, and develop comprehensive economic development policies for Menominee County.
The Economic Development Committee shall consist of three commissioners of the Menominee County Board of Commissioners, the Menominee County Administrator, the Menominee County Treasurer, and the Executive Director of the Menominee Business Development Corporation. The first named commissioner appointed to the committee by the Chairman of the Board will serve as the Chairman of the Economic Development Committee.
The Economic Development Committee shall meet a minimum of once per quarter in the calendar year, and may meet more often when a meeting is called for by the Chairman of the Economic Development Committee or by the County Administrator.