Apportionment Committee - The Menominee County Apportionment Committee is responsible for establishing County Commissioner districts within the County every 10 years after the census has been completed.
Executive Committee - Consists of Board Chair, Finance Committee Chair, and Personnel Committee Chair.
Finance Committee - Receive reports and recommendations from the County Administrator and make such recommendations affecting all financial matters of the County to the Board.
Menominee County Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) - One Commissioner is annually appointed to attend the DHS Board meetings.
The Board consists of three appointed members, two residents appointed by the County Board and one resident appointed by the State. Each appointment has a 3-year term.
U.P. Resource Conservaton and Development Council (UP RC&D) - The Mission of the U.P. RC&D area Council is to provide leadership, technical assistance and program administration to assist local leaders make their community a better place to live, work and play.